Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday August 24

Yesterday DJ and I had a NICU consultation.  It was extremely informative, but a little overwhelming.  The nurse that came to visit us was very friendly and very helpful.  When she first walked in, she said 'I hope this isn't weird for you, but I think I prayed for you yesterday at church.'   She goes to Crossings, and her Sunday school class prayed for a lady named Amanda, who is 32 weeks pregnant and at Baptist. It was so cool to know that strangers are praying for us, and one of those God wink things because she works here in the NICU.  She went over all of the things that we can expect if we were to deliver this week.  She said that we could expect mostly similar outcomes if we delivered in the next two weeks, just baby Harper would be stronger each day she stays in.  It was frightening and comforting all at the same moment.  At least we can prepare ourselves as well as possible for a stay in the NICU.  I know that I keep saying this, but thank goodness for the love and support of family and friends.  I know that Harper is covered in prayers right now, and that gives me great comfort. 

I also had another ultrasound yesterday.  Last week on the ultrasound the doctor saw a suspicious spot on the ultrasound on one of Harper's kidneys and wanted to repeat the test again .  The spot is still there.  Today when she visited she explained what that could mean. In normal circumstances I would be sent to a high risk doctor to have more in-depth ultrasounds.  As of right now, that is not possible seeing as how I would have to leave the hospital to visit that doctor.  She is going to consult with them so see what our options are, so we will just have to see later in the week about that.  She did say that it doesn't look that bad, it is just concerning.  So there is another specific concern that you could lift up in prayers for us.

Today was a good day.  Yesterday I asked my nurse if I could possibly get a different bed ( I had a labor and delivery bed, which is not the most comfortable bed seeing as it has to come apart for delivery).  At about 11:00pm they delivered me a brand new air flow bed.  It is really good.  It pumps air through the bed so that patients like who are stuck in bed for awhile don't get pressure soreness.  It is sort of like a water bed but with air.  It is really comfy.  I also had a physical therapist consult with me today.  I was nervous about sitting all day in a bed, and concerned that by the time I leave here I won't be able to even walk around my house!  She gave me some low impact exercises to keep my muscles working that I to do in my bed.  I feel like a 90 year old doing my little leg presses, and arm presses!  It will give me something to add to my VERY boring routine in the day, so that is good. 

I have started knitting.  YouTube has great videos that show everything.  I worked a good portion of the day learning, and now feel comfortable enough to start a project.  My mom also bought me a knifty knitter.  It is pretty easy, but I feel like I am cheating, after spending the time to learn to knit.  Hopefully, i can stick with it and have some projects to show for my work! 

I asked for a webcam to borrow on facebook last night, and within the hour I had 5 people offer theirs!  We got it set up and DJ and I skyped (video called) this morning.  Tonight I am so excited to skype with Slayton. I have some books here and I am going to try to read him books at bedtime.  I hope it is successful, because I miss that time the very most.  Usually Slayton and I sit on his bed cuddle up and read books and say prayers together.  So through the magic of technology I might be able to do that tonight, keep your fingers crossed!

Again Thank You so much for your continued prayers!


  1. Always praying for you! The nurses in the NICU will always hold a special place in my heart. I'm glad someone came to talk to you so you have time to process...it's definitely overwhelming. But know you and Harper are in the very best hands and God is in control. Love you girl, hang in there!

  2. I don't know you very well but I have been thinking about you a lot. When I was pregnant with my last child I had to be hospitalized twice for pneumonia so I know a tiny bit of what you are going through. Ashlyn and I will be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. If you want to learn to make hairbows give me a call. Harper will never be without a hairbow either way. I also crochet but don't know a thing about knittin. Praying for you.

  4. Uggg! I'm so sorry you are going through all this! I am glad you are finding ways to pass the time. If you want a good book to read I would recommend The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Reading should help pass the time, and there are three in that series. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers! We love you guys, Megan

  5. oh your such a sweet mom Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!! praying for you girl!

  6. Keep your chin up-we're praying for you!
