Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Harper'a arrival

Harper Grace Bruner was born on September 13, 2010 at 6:58 pm.  She weighed 5 lbs 11 oz and 18 1/2 inches long. 

After spending  one week on bedrest at home, 24 days in the hospital on bedrest, and then 6 more days at home on bedrest, she decided to come at 35 weeks.  We went for regular appointment and decided that she was ready.  We went over to labor and delivery to check back in.  I was greeted with friendly faces, and this time much happier to be in the hospital. 

I got my epidural at about 4:00 pm.  The doctor came and broke my water and started the pitocin to induce more contractions.  Harper did not like the drugs and her heart rate plummeted.  At that point the nurses started rushing around and more people just showed up in my room.  They stopped all medications, laid me on my back and started oxygen. After about 5 minutes, her heart rate finally rebounded.  The nurse said that we were seconds away from an emergency c-section.  They did an excellent job of not letting me know how serious it was in order to keep me calm.  Soon after it was time for the big moment! The NICU nurses were called to be at delivery because she was coming at 35 weeks which is about 5 weeks preterm.

She was born at 6:58.  She came out crying loudly, and the NICU nurses were pleased with her right away.  Because she was so early, she had to go to NICU to be monitored.  (if she would have been born at midnight she would not of had to go, but 35 week babies HAVE to go, 35 weeks and 1 day babies don't go unless they need to)  DJ followed her to NICU to get progress updates.  That was a really long 30 minutes!  Soon enough he came back and the update was that she was doing AWESOME!  Everybody but me got to go back and see her.  (I was still under the influence of the epidural and couldn't move my legs)  After spending two hours in the NICU, she came back to my room and we were reunited! 

She is doing awesome!  At her two week appointment she weighed 6 lbs 4 oz and is 19 1/2 inches long.  So she is growing fast already!

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